Vuna Marketing

12 Apr

Competitive intelligence simple, effective and free on the Web

Web Design

Competitive intelligence can get the strategy and positioning of your competitors. Today, companies increasingly communicate on the Web and that media can become valuable information for your day. The secret lies in the selection of reliable sources to collect relevant data.

The primary information

 The primary data are raw data, not retired by an intermediary. Here are some tips for finding such information.

The official website and your competitor's blog: The information presented on the site depend on the communication policy of the company. It will not always bring you new knowledge but it is possible to discover its strategic and commercial policy, strategy web presence, developing new products or services ...

Social networking: platforms for consumer opinions, discussions of customers on the forums or on the walls of Facebook profiles, Twitter ... let you know the feeling of clients to your competitor's offer.

The job sites: These sites disseminate vacancies issued by companies. In the ad, you will find the profiles of your competitors and therefore its future prospects.

Secondary information

Secondary information is restated by specialized sites before being placed online.

The financial information services: available free, include data on the financial market and business.

Newspaper articles online: some newspapers publish articles online news about your competitors. These reports sometimes include information more recent and more sensitive than the official communication of the company. A trick to increase efficiency: rather than looking at the sites of newspapers, type the name of your competitor in the Google search engine and click on News for the latest information from the press and blogs.


Some companies offer commercial databases dedicated to competitive intelligence but this online service is chargeable. Taking the time to do your own research on the Web can be very productive and you can avoid spending a large budget for your day.



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